Wednesday, 2 December 2009

A new camera!

My mum owned an Olympus XA2 when I was little. It was the first camera I remember playing with.

It's a 35mm film camera with a fixed 35mm f3.5 lens and only three focus settings, with fully automatic exposure.

I've just picked up a second hand copy off Ebay, and it will be my Mum's birthday present. Not being tech. savvy, she's always wanted another since hers broke.

Looking forward to running some film though it.

Keep your eyes open for a few of the shots over the next month.

thanks to for the image

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the comment David. you have some really lovely work on your site. hope you have fun with your Olympus! It's wonderful to lose some of the control over your images and to think about each little piece of film as you go.
